Feryal Salem, PhD
Professor, historian, and scholar of Islamic thought.
- Arabic (reading, writing, spoken)
- Turkish (reading, writing, spoken)
- French (reading, spoken)
- Persian (reading)
- German (reading)
- Ottoman Turkish (reading)
- Women and Gender in Islam
- Foundations of Qur’anic Studies: History, Form, and Application of Islam’s Holy Scripture
- Hadith Methodology
- Introduction to Islamic Law
- Muslim Devotional Law for Chaplains and Muslim Leaders
- Readings in Sufi Texts
- Interfaith Dialogue in a World of Difference
- Islamic Spirituality and Ethics
- Central Themes in Muslim Chaplaincy and Interfaith Leadership
- Themes in Critical Theory and Islamic Thought
- History of Christian-Muslim Relations
Associate Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies
American Islamic College (2018–Present)
• Director, Master of Divinity in Islamic Studies and Muslim Chaplaincy Program
Assistant Professor of Islamic Scriptures and Law
Hartford Seminary (2013–2018)
• Co-Director, Islamic Chaplaincy Program
• Associate Editor, Muslim World
• Core faculty member of the Macdonald Center for the Study of Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
University of Chicago
Doctor of Philosophy in Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations
Dissertation: “ʿAbdallāh b. al-Mubārak Between Ḥadīth, Jihād, and Zuhd: An Expression of Early Sunni
Identity in the Formative Period”
• Major: Islamic Thought
• Minor: History of the Modern Middle East
Thesis Advisor: Fred Donner
University of Chicago
Master of Arts in Middle Eastern Studies
Master’s Thesis: “The Educational Reform of Sultan Abdülhamid II: A Study of Its Impact on the
Ottoman Governorate of Greater Syria”
Thesis Advisor: Rashid Khalidi
Wayne State University
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
Stanford University Hospitals
Clinical Pastoral Education
Scholar: Georgetown University Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Christian-Muslim Understanding (ACMCU),
“Train the Trainers” Program for Curriculum Design and Outreach (January 2019–present)
Visiting Scholar: MUIS Academy (Muslim Religious Council of Singapore) (January 2018).
Scholar-in-Residence: Turkish Centre for Islamic Studies in Istanbul, ISAM (January–April 2017).
Sabbatical Travel Grant to India: International Institute of Islamic Thought Research Grant on Muslim-
Hindu Relations (March 2017).
Pillars Fund: Grant Recipient (Islamic Chaplaincy Program Educational Programming) (2017).
Pillars Fund: Grant Recipient (Islamic Chaplaincy Program Educational Programming) (2016).
International Institute of Islamic Thought: Monograph Publication Grant (2015)
“Foundations of Islamic Metaphysics and Epistemology,” Oxford University/St. Anne’s College, United Kingdom; August 7, 2022 (discussant)
“The Ḥanafī School: Texts, Authorities, and Practitioners,” International University of Sarajevo, Bosnia; June 2, 2022 (respondent)
“Prophetology and the Modes of Transmission of Islamic Spiritual Care,” International Forum for Muslim Theology Seminar; February 2022 (presenter).
“12 Principles of Muhammadan Spiritual Care,” Association of Muslim Chaplains Annual Conference; February, 2022 (invited speaker).
“Athīr al-Dīn al-Abharī and his role in the Development of Arabic Logic,” Association of Islamic Philosophy and Theology annual conference at Harvard University; December, 2021(invited speaker).
“The Politicization of Interfaith Dialogue,” American Academy of Religion Annual Conference; November 2021 (presider).
“Prayer Rituals in the Islamic Tradition,” University of Chicago Divinity School, Chicago; October 15, 2021.
Concordia Forum, Lisbon, Portugal; September 9-12, 2021 (participant).
“Decolonizing the Field of Christian-Muslim Relations: Historical Frameworks, Premises, and Power Dynamics,” American Academy of Religion Conference; December 2020 (panelist).
K-12 Teacher’s Institute at Dar al-Islam, Abiquiu, New Mexico; July 6–14, 2020 (instructor of Islamic Studies).
“Analysis from the Point of View of Islamic Law and Ethics,” Hurma Project Research Conference, Chicago; January 11, 2020 (presider).
International Institute of Islamic Thought Winter Program, January 6-7, 2020 (faculty instructor)
“Pedagogies of Interreligious Studies Workshop,” American Academy of Religion, San Diego; November 25, 2019 (facilitator/speaker).
“Decolonizing and Resetting the Interfaith Table,” American Academy of Religion, San Diego; November 25, 2019 (presider).
“Muslim and Jewish Perspectives on Diversity and Inclusion,” Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, Philadelphia; October 30, 2019 (speaker).
Concordia Forum, Toronto, Canada; October 3-6, 2019 (participant).
“Christian-Muslim Engagement in Chicago: Past, Present, Future” (Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago); September 20, 2019 (keynote speaker).
“Foundational Principles of Islamic Ethics Found in the Legal Maxims” (Qawāʿid al-fiqhiyya), Georgetown University, Washington, DC; July 25, 2019 (speaker).
K-12 Teacher’s Institute at Dar al-Islam, Abiquiu, New Mexico; July 10–17, 2019 (instructor of Islamic studies).
“Centering Women in Interpretations of Islamic Scriptures in Light of Sunni and Shia Jurisprudence,” Family and Gender Research Center, Qom, Iran; June 10, 2019 (keynote speaker).
Book Talk: “The Emergence of Early Sufi Piety and Sunni Scholasticism,” Diyanet Center of America, Maryland; April 26, 2019 (speaker).
“Images of Jesus in the Bible and the Qur’an,” (Muslim-Presbyterian Dialogue Series) Chicago Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago (CIOGC), Chicago; March 8, 2019 (speaker).
Book Talk: “The Emergence of Early Sufi Piety and Sunni Scholasticism,” American Islamic College, Chicago; February 12, 2019 (speaker).
Leadership of Visit to Bedford Hills Women’s Correctional Facility and Sing-Sing Maximum Security Prisons with Delegates from Singapore, New York; February 7, 2019.
“Aspects of Training and Practice of Islamic Chaplaincy in the United States,” (presentation to visiting members of Singapore parliament and Muslim Religious Council of Singapore), Chicago; February 4, 2019 (speaker).
Introduction to Islam Presentation for “Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign” and “Center for Christian-Muslin Engagement at Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago,” sponsored weekend educational retreat, Chicago suburbs; February 2, 2019 (speaker).
Muslim University Chaplains trip through Turkey; December 22–January 2, 2019 (participant, facilitator, speaker).
“Images of Mary in the Bible and the Qur’an” (Community Presbyterian Church), Downers Grove, IL; December 6, 2018 (speaker).
“Organizations that Are Community Leaders and Allies” (Chicago Theological Seminary), Chicago; August 18, 2018 (panelist).
Interview on Malaysian Television, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; August 7, 2018.
“Spiritual Care: Importance of Muslim Chaplains” (Pantai Hospital), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; August 1, 2018 (keynote speaker).
“Taşköprizade’s Commentary on the Spiritual Ethics of ʿAḍuḍ al-Dīn al-Ījī” (University of Putra Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; July 30, 2018 (speaker).
“What is Muslim Chaplaincy?” (Hospital Pakar al-Islam), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; July 29, 2018 (speaker).
K-12 Teacher’s Institute at Dar al-Islam, Abiquiu, New Mexico; July 9–17, 2018 (instructor of Islamic Studies).
Interview for CNN’s “25 Influential American Muslims” https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2018/05/us/influential-muslims/ aired May 4, 2018.
Public Talk: “Islam and Diversity: Faith Communities of the Future” (Muslim Religious Council of Singapore); January 20, 2018 (keynote speaker).
“The Challenges of Female Scholarship in Islamic Studies” (Muslim Religious Council of Singapore); January 19, 2018 (speaker).
Closing Dialogue: Certificate for Islam in Context (Harmony Center) Singapore; January 17, 2018 (keynote speaker).
MUIS Academy (Muslim Religious Council of Singapore), “Asatizah Masterclass: Harnessing Traditions for Contemporary Challenges: Reading Islamic Law in the Formative Period,” Singapore; January 16, 2018 (guest lecturer).
Weekend Intensive: al-Ghazālī’s Marvels of the Heart, International Institute of Islamic Thought, Fairfax, VA; November 2–4, 2017 (teacher).
Book Talk: “The Emergence of Early Sufi Piety and Sunni Scholasticism,” Turkish Center for Islamic Studies in Istanbul (ISAM): March 2, 2017.
International Islamic Manuscript Workshop, Istanbul Center for Islamic Studies; January 23–February 4, 2016 (participant).
MAS-ICNA Interfaith Symposium, Chicago; December 27, 2016 (main speaker/panelist)
2016 Forum for Peace in Muslim Societies, Abu Dhabi; December 18–19, 2016 (participant).
Book Talk: “The Emergence of Early Sufi Piety and Sunni Scholasticism,” Hartford Seminary; December 5, 2016.
Book Talk: “The Emergence of Early Sufi Piety and Sunni Scholasticism,” International Institute of Islamic Thought, Fairfax, Virginia; November 8, 2016.
Hartford Seminary Travel Seminar to Singapore, Malaysia, and Indonesia; October 8–22, 2016 (faculty representative).
Professional Development Workshop for American Muslim Leaders, Institute for Social Policy and Understanding; September 5, 2016 (participant).
“The Muslim Chaplaincy Program at Hartford Seminary,” Islamic Society of North America Conference, Chicago; September 3, 2016 (panelist).
“Training Interfaith Leaders at Hartford Seminary,” Interfaith Youth Core, Chicago; September 2, 2016 (speaker).
Program in Advanced Classical Islamic Text Study in Istanbul for Academic Scholars of Islam; August 1–26, 2016 (participant).
2-Day Islamic Studies Pre-Tenure Faculty Enrichment Workshop, International Institute of Islamic Thought, Fairfax, VA; May 25–6, 2016 (participant).
Building Bridges Muslim-Christian Relations Conference, Georgetown University, Washington, DC; May 6–10, 2016 (participant).
Comparative Scriptural Studies among the Abrahamic Traditions, Union Theological Seminary, New York; December 5, 2015 (panelist).
“Opportunities and Challenges of Teaching Islamic Studies in Theological Seminaries,” American Academy of Religion Conference, Atlanta; November 2015 (panelist).
Program in Advanced Classical Islamic Text Study in Istanbul for Academic Scholars of Islam; August 10–25, 2015 (program director).
“Early Islam on Constitutions and Pluralism” International Institute of Islamic Thought, Herndon, VA; June 8, 2015 (panelist).
Shinnyo-en Buddhist Foundation Lantern Floating Festival (Hartford Seminary faculty representative), Honolulu; May 24–27, 2015 (faculty leader).
Building Bridges Muslim-Christian Conference, Georgetown University, Doha, Qatar; May 3–6, 2015 (role).
“How Can Different Religions Work Together to Ensure Rights of Minorities?” Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran; April 25, 2015 (panelist).
“The Role of the Believers in Confronting Extremism,” Islamic Culture and Relations Organization, Tehran, Iran; April 12, 2015 (panelist).
Hartford Seminary Travel Seminary to Iran; April 4–27, 2015 (faculty representative).
“Drawing Lessons from Islamic Spirituality for Chaplain Spiritual Care,” American Muslim Chaplain’s Association Conference, New Haven, CT; March 7, 2015 (speaker).
“Muslim Women’s Voices: Looking Back to Look Ahead,” Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT; February 9, 2015 (speaker).
“Reasons for Differences Among the Four Sunni Schools of Islamic Law,” International Institute of Islamic Thought, Fairfax, VA; January 27, 2015 (speaker).
“Islamic Higher Education: Professionalizing Leadership, Service, and Activism,” Islamic Society of North America Convention, Detroit; September 1, 2014 (speaker).
Building Bridges Muslim-Christian Conference, Georgetown University, Washington, DC; May 2014 (participant).
“The Nascent Genre of Early Sufi Literature: The Kutub al-Zuhd as Books of Islamic Piety,” 28th Annual Middle East History and Theory Conference, Chicago; May 4–5, 2013 (presenter).
“A Fifth Century Vision of Sunni Orthodoxy: ʿAbd al-Qāhir al-Baghdadī’s Encounter with Early Islamic Sects and his Description of the Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jamaʿa in Farq bayn al-Firaq,” McGill Institute of Islamic Studies Student Council Graduate Symposium 2013 in Montreal; May 3–4, 2013 (presenter).
“The Transmission and Production of Scholarship in the Islamic Sciences by Women in the Twentieth Century: Shifts in Historical Paradigms and Modifications in Presentation,” 3rd Annual University of California Santa Barbara Islamic Studies Graduate Student Conference in California, Santa Barbara; March 8–10, 2013 (presenter).
“Classical Islamic Scholarship in Post-Colonial Syria: The Intellectual Contribution of Women Scholars in the late Twentieth Century,” 10th Annual Duke University of North Carolina Islamic Studies Conference in Durham, NC; February 15–17, 2013 (presenter).
“Freewill, Determination, and Kasb in the Epistle of Ḥasan al-Baṣrī,” Middle East History and Theory Annual Conference for the University of Chicago, Chicago; May 4–6, 2012 (presenter).
2010–2011 Middle East History and Theory Workshop at the University of Chicago (annual conference organizer).
“Sahn-i-Seman: Classical Text Study,” Istanbul, August 2021
Muslim-Jewish Women’s Joint Memorial Service at Auschwitz II (co-leader); July 2, 2019.
Sisterhood of Salaam-Shalom, Summer Trip to Berlin and Poland; June 26–July 4, 2019.
Interfaith Roundtable with Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Chicago; August 26, 2018.
Interview on Malaysian Television, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; August 7, 2018.
“Honest Conversations with Muslim Neighbors” (panelist), Eastern Connecticut University, Willimantic, CT; November 29, 2016.
Pillars Fund Leadership Summit, Chicago; September 2, 2016 (participant).
“Honest Conversations with Muslim Neighbors” (panelist), Cathedral of Saint Joseph, Hartford, CT, April 28, 2016.
“Honest Conversations with Muslim Neighbors” (panelist), First Church UCC, Windsor, CT, March 1, 2016.
What is the Meaning of “Caliphate”? WNPR “Where We Live” Radio Show, February 12, 2016.
“Honest Conversations with Muslim Neighbors” (panelist), First Church UCC, Middletown, CT, January 28, 2016.
“Honest Conversations with Muslim Neighbors” (panelist), Temple Sinai, Newington, CT, November 15, 2015.
“Honest Conversations with Muslim Neighbors” (panelist), First Church of Christ Congregational, New Britain, CT, November 12, 2015.
Islamic Society of North America’s Statement on the Inclusion of Women (signatory, co-writer, presentation participant), ISNA Convention in Chicago, September 5, 2015.
International Institute of Islamic Thought Summer Intensive (instructor), Herndon, VA; May 29–June 10, 2015.
“Honest Conversations with Muslim Neighbors” (panelist), Kol Haverim Synagogue, Glastonbury, CT; April 28, 2015.
“Discussion with Graeme Wood about his Atlantic article: “What ISIS Really Wants,” WNPR “Where We Live” Radio Show; March 20, 2015.
Annual Multi-Faith Community Prayer, College of the Holy Cross, January 20, 2015.
“ISIS: Its Roots, Its Influence, and How It’s Viewed by the Muslim World,” Hartford Seminary; December 11, 2015.
“Muslim-Christian Dialogue: Living Out Our Faiths,” St. Patrick-St. Anthony Church; December 9, 2014.
“Muslim Patient Care,” St. Francis Hospital Pastoral Care; December 9, 2014.
“Sunni and Shi’a Dialogue,” Seabury Home Care; November 17, 2014.
“Muslim Women’s Voices,” WNPR “Where We Live” Radio Show; October 7, 2014.
“Women in Islamic Scripture,” Muslim Coalition of Connecticut; April 14, 2014.
“Community Discussion on the Oral Transmission of the Qur’an,” Hartford Public Library; November 20, 2013.
“Overview of Islamic History,” Asylum Hill Congregational Church; October 30, 2013.
• American Academy of Religion
• Middle East Studies Association
• Co-Chair, Steering Committee on Interreligious Education: American Academy of Religion